"If you're gonna disintegrate mentally, get it down on tape!" - Murdoc Niccals, Pirate Radio Jan 2010

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Disappearance of Veronica Brown

It has now been eight days since Dusten Brown was forced to hand over his daughter to her kidnappers in a forced, unethical and illegal adoption.  Eight oddly silent days.  Other than a few photos that have surfaced of the kidnappers with their hostage, some of which showed Veronica Brown improperly secured in her booster seat, not a word has been heard.  Supporters of the kidnapping have rallied to any news articles about Brown and the kidnapping of his daughter, accusing people of ignorance, of Dusten being a deadbeat, etc.  Regurgitating the same bullshit they've been spewing for four years.

In the spirit of kidnapping, the hostage and her kidnappers have vanished completely.  The same kidnappers who have plastered their faces all over every media outlet imaginable with their mouth piece, accomplice Jessica Munday of Trio Solutions.  Glorifying in their limelight.  Urging the public to see their side of the issue.  Delusional kidnappers, they are.  Believing themselves to be Veronica's parents the entire four year battle.  Implying that Veronica's safety was being compromised in Dusten's care.  Hinting at possible sex abuse.  Slanderous remarks that have all now conveniently disappeared off the web.  It seems that a mass purge has begun to take place in the wake of the kidnappers disappearance with their captive.  It appears that they are doing the age old "CYA" to ensure their hostage never finds all the horrible things they've said about her father.  And let's not forget their lawsuit, the one in which supporters and other spokespersons for the kidnappers have claimed had nothing to do with the Capobiancos and is all from South Carolina courts.  Funny since Matt and Melanie Capobianco were the ones to file the lawsuit on September 9th.  

So where are the kidnappers and their hostage?  Why haven't they popped up on some obscure media outlet, gloating about their ill-gotten victory?  Perhaps they realized the tide had shifted.  People once in their favor now sided with Dusten having the right to raise his daughter.  The lawsuit further instigated this massive shift.  No longer seen as this wronged wanna be adoptive couple, but now as vile and selfish extortionists who want nothing more than to destroy the man who only wanted to raise his daughter.  Destroy him by any means possible to ensure he can never try to fight her kidnapping.

The gloves are off, Matt and Mel.  This message is for you:

Matthew and Melanie Capobianco, you have been tried in the court of public opinion and you have been found guilty of kidnapping a four year old child, child trafficking, child exploitation and violating Veronica Brown's civil rights.  You are guilty of slander and defamation of character against the child's father, Dusten Brown, and obstruction due to your efforts to erase your slanderous remarks.  It is in my opinion that you should be declared an enemy of this country!  You and your accomplices: Jessica Munday, Trio Solutions, Christie Maldonado, Troy Dunn, South Carolina courts, both the governors of South Carolina and Oklahoma, adoption agency Nightlight and Ray Godwin.  Guilty of crimes against children, child trafficking, crimes against humanity.  You would be awarded no protections in this country any further if I had any say in the matter.  Your names and faces will be plastered on every blog, every comment.  The whole world will know who you are and what you have done.  You will no longer be able to live in peace.  Every time you show your faces in public, someone will know you all for what you are.  Let the public proclaim loudly what you are whenever you are seen: KIDNAPPERS.

I am not instigating or condoning any act of violence against them.  But let it be known that they will not have any peace until they return their hostage.  They cannot hide the truth from their hostage forever.  And disappearing from public view will not protect them from the whispers, the pointed fingers, the possibility that Veronica BROWN will learn the truth behind her kidnapping.  That piece of paper that claims you are her parents is a fraud and is nothing more than a bill of sale, granting her a SLAVE NAME.

You cannot run.  You cannot hide.  The whole world is watching and aghast at your actions.  The truth will come out sooner or later.  And when it does, I will gladly fight to put all of you into prison.     


  1. Right on!! I can only hope the tide is turning. While I'm sending out e-mails and letters, it is sometimes hard to have faith when I know how corrupt the whole process has been. I do love your strong words, though, and will keep the faith accordingly.

  2. Don't worry, there is enough in court documents, which they can not erase, to to show Veronica, if there ever will be need to come to that, how they slandered her father. the transition document (the court version), eg. suggests that Veronica might have psychological issues NOT form being suddenly with stranger, but from of her life with the Browns. I thought I would vomit reading that. I don;t know the Browns personally, but I know that if they had ANYTHING on him, they would have used it a long time ago in court to simply strip him from parental rights. ICWA wouldn't stop that. So I know these are just nasty insinuations, worded in such a way that they can alwasy pretend they only meant it "in case" Veronica has such issues.

  3. Wow how crazy! I didn't know adoptions could go through and still be illegal? How is that possible? How did the Supreme court not catch this? Do you have any details I could look over?

  4. Dreamcarr, the Supreme Court let this go through because there's an unethical adopter sitting on the bench named John Roberts. WOW how amazing little details people seem to skip over and ignore all in the name of unethical adoption! That scum legally kidnap that child and that scum knows it. One day Ronnie Brown will know it too. I hope they enjoy the control and manipulation while it lasts, which will not be long...
