"If you're gonna disintegrate mentally, get it down on tape!" - Murdoc Niccals, Pirate Radio Jan 2010

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Hidden Class War

It seems that everywhere you turn, you hear about Class War.  In most situations, it's in reference to income disparity and what constitutes a livable wage.  Discussions about raising minimum wage, repairing what many see is a broken public assistance program, how much tax is too much for our wealthiest of citizens.  I've witnessed a great many Facebook arguments over the topic.  Those voicing fears over rising prices in the wake of paying employees a living wage, those insisting that people in low skill jobs should bankrupt themselves to get an education to better themselves or even the simple "They shouldn't have had a family if they couldn't get a good paying job".  

It's the tip of the iceberg really.  Beneath it all is another class war that is all but hidden to the public.  The war of poor parent versus wealthier potential adoptive parent.  Numerous cases have surfaced through the years.  Young unmarried men often in the lower income bracket fighting against the adoption of their children by entitled potential adoptive parents who usually have the bigger bankroll.  Cases that dragged on months or years before these young men were forced to give up either due to lack of funds or the courts finally siding with the wealthier strangers due to unfair laws or simply their ability to hold onto the child during the proceedings, never allowing the father contact.  The claims of "best interest" usually used.

Dusten Brown was your average low middle income young man who managed to fight for four years against the adoption of his daughter, only to lose because the kidnappers had the backing of the adoption industry, a legal team who had connections with the higher courts, hate groups hell bent on dismantling Native Sovereignty and a public relations firm that managed to unleash a horrendous character assassination campaign.  Everyone who heard the one sided story chided in with how much more the kidnappers could provide and how selfish he was to keep his daughter from a "better life".

JM and his fight against the Hodgins has run a similar course in a few arenas.  The same public relations firm has gotten involved with the failed foster parents and have let loose another character assassination campaign.  The Hodgins have a farm, have this, have that.  The Hodgins had SM in numerous extracurricular activities.  The supporters of the Hodgins have outright lied about aspects of the case made available to the public.  Supporters of the foster parents have flooded internet with scorning remarks against JM, calling him selfish and unfit.  It has turned into "if you truly cared, you'd let her go back and have all the things you obviously will never be able to afford". 

Terry Achane fought for over two years to get his daughter back.  And he dealt with much of the same bullshit.  If he "truly loved" T, he'd let her stay with her kidnappers and be raised with all he could never provide on a military salary. He was called selfish and uncaring.  Luckily for him, his marital status saved his hide.  And that barely saved him.  The simple fact that he'd been married to the mother at the time of T's birth was the deciding factor in him finally receiving custody of little T.

In all the contested adoption and pseudo custody cases that have surfaced, a common theme has emerged.  How much more the potential adopters can provide.  How much less the fighting parent has.  Oh, you can't afford to put the kid in 4-H, you shouldn't have them.  You can't afford to drop $70 on a pair of name brand sneakers, you have no right to fight for them.  People literally believe if you truly cared about your child, you'd let them be adopted by utter strangers who have the bigger house, the bigger yard, the newer car and have the cash to spare to pay big name lawyers and a PR firm to make you look like a piece of shit.

Another case has arisen of a young man fighting the adoption of his daughter.  The kidnappers are court officials themselves and the court he is fighting is the very court these kidnappers work in.  Gag orders have come down and this young man is facing potential jail time for putting the kidnappers on blast and not keeping their identity secret.  There will be more on this case when more information is obtained.  But it appears to be the same formula as many others: lower income father fighting against wealthier, better connected kidnappers.

It's become a terrifying trend.  Better connected, more financially secure kidnappers are taking their pick of children from lower income families and claiming them as their own.  Some are finding loop-holes in the child welfare system to "legally" claim children, others are using their connections within the court system to push a fight until it financially exhausts the parent fighting back and others are simply vilifying low income parents anywhere they can but making sure to point out that THEY can provide so much more and if a poor parent truly cared about their kids, they'd give them up to wealthier families and not raise them in what they see as poverty.

Having more cash does not make anyone a fitter parent.  And those who think it does honestly show just how materialistic and delusional they truly are.  If it's war you want, it's war you'll get.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Forced Adoption Equals Slavery

Veronica Brown is still in the clutches of her captors.  Forced to live a lie, forced to call strangers Mom and Dad.  Called a name that is not hers.  Given a birth certificate that blatantly lies.  Forced to forget about her father, stepmother, sister and grandparents.  And the American public condoned this travesty.....all because her father didn't "support" her mother (i.e. seller) during her pregnancy.  

Remember, Maldonado cut off contact.  She refused to talk to him, refused any contact whatsoever.  Conspired with the adoption agency Nightlight, lawyer Godwin and the kidnappers Matt and Melanie Capobianco to keep Dusten in the dark so they could successfully sell Veronica to the Capobiancos.

Their crimes were horrendous.  A child was sacrificed and had her identity erased from her all because two entitled assholes decided they wanted her more.  Keeping her captive under the guise of "family".

Veronica Brown was forced into publicly condoned slavery.  Told to be grateful and forget about her "sperm donor".  And if there is still contact between her and her father, no doubt it was finally cut or reduced because she fought back against calling her Daddy by name and fought back calling the strange man daddy. Can you just imagine this child's confusion?  Calling out for her Daddy at night and having this stranger man come to her room, a man she no doubt sees as a monster.  The monsters who took her from her family.  Monsters who insist she is their daughter now.  

Veronica Brown deserves her freedom from the slavery of forced adoption.  Deserves to be free from her kidnappers so she can go back home to her father where she belongs.

The laws were bent and even outright broken in the Capobianco's zeal to kidnap Veronica.  Justice will come.  Veronica will go home.  They need to realize that Veronica's time in their prison is short lived.  Justice will prevail and Veronica will be taken from them and returned back home.  Just because they paid top dollar for her and "want her more" does not mean they are more entitled to her than her father and family.  The Capobiancos have caused irreparable damage to Veronica.  And they will lose her.  She will go home and she will know the truth.  She was sold and kidnapped.  Sold and forced to live under a slave name.

Justice for Veronica will happen.  Keep urging the feds to investigate her adoption and all the connections the kidnappers had to take her from her family.  Make sure everyone involved in her kidnapping is held responsible.  Demand fines, prison time.  Make them pay for what they did to this little girl. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sore Losers, Media and Misinformation

One would think when you get your ass handed to you in court, you'd go lick your wounded ego, shut up and just fade into the woodwork.  This concept is apparently lost on Kim and David Hodgin, who have taken their story national in their efforts to further spread their sob story and further demonize the father of the child they try to unrightfully call theirs.

National news chains have picked up on the story now, flaunting the clearly slanted tale as truth, misinforming millions.  Headlines boldly call the foster parents adoptive parents, refer to S as their daughter.  Comparing the Hodgin's home to the home she now resides in with her father, implying that their larger home, property and income make them the fitter parents.  Implying that her father is unfit simply because he has served time.  Not for a violent crime either.  By the logic the media outlets have put out, anyone who spent time in jail should have their kids taken and placed with a couple who has more money and things.

Here is the thing: JM never lost custody to DCS due to neglect or abuse.  He allowed a family friend to take the child to another state and from there, a series of events took place that landed S as a ward of TN state.  The Hodgins were never licensed foster parents until they got S.  And they only got licensed so they could keep her.  They used connections through the courts and the police to hold onto the child even as the father and his family fought to get her returned.  

Yes, they did at one point adopt S.  They circumvented DCS and attempted a private adoption against DCS's recommendations.  They attempted to adopt a child that was NOT legally free for adoption.  The judge who finalized that adoption was a friend of theirs.  This adoption was later vacated barely a year later.  Legally, it was like it never happened.  They tried several times to terminate the father's parental rights during this fight and each time was shot down. 

Some Hodgin supporters are claiming no other family had come forward or were deemed a suitable placement, but fail to mention that S's paternal grandmother had been deemed a suitable placement option and was fighting for S to be placed in her care.  The Hodgins fought against this and held up the various reunification hearings and custody transfers with appeals and whatever else they could to keep grandma away.  S's grandmother even went to TN to retrieve S and was stonewalled by the Hodgins through frivolous appeals and court hearings.

They lied to S and told her she was abandoned.  They never told her that her family had been fighting her entire life to have her brought back home.

When the adoption was vacated several years ago, the Hodgin's status reverted back to that of FOSTER PARENTS and DCS began the process of reunification.  The Hodgins were cited as being uncooperative by DCS, refusing to prepare her for the transition home or arrange counseling/therapy sessions that would prepare her for her return to her family.

In their most recent court hearing, the judge ruled S remain with her father until this is final and sorted.  Lawyers for DCS pointed out the deranged behavior of the Hodgins and their supporters.  They made their point very clear: if for any reason S is removed from her father's care, she will NOT ever go back to them.  The Hodgin's push to have S placed back with them fell on deaf ears.  

So what do sore losers do?  Go to the media chains, give a one sided story to biased journalists and have an entire nation believe they had adopted a little girl through foster care because her daddy was in jail only to have her taken from them and placed with her father upon his release.  They fail to mention the fact that the adoption took place years ago and was annulled just as quick.  Fail to mention that DCS themselves fought against their attempt to adopt S.  Fail to mention that they were circumventing DCS's reunification plan and attempting to use private adoption laws.  Fail to mention that the father had been fighting to get his daughter back BEFORE his incarceration.  Fail to mention that S's paternal grandmother had also fought for placement during father's incarceration (and had been approved and given the green light to take her).  

What else do sore losers do?  Lie.  They have changed their story numerous times regarding the night DCS forced them to finally hand S over.  In their media blitz, they claimed they packed three duffel bags and were given a mere moment's notice.  In other versions, they claim they only got a few hours.  Sometimes only five minutes.  Depends on who is asking, I suppose.  The issue is not the time, but the fact that they refused to comply with the orders handed down by DCS and the courts and everyone got fed up with the bullshit and said "Have her here NOW."  They made a huge scene the night they had to give her to the social workers and no doubt filled the child's head with lies in an effort to scare her and traumatize her.  They recorded a phone call between them and S mere days after leaving the Hodgin's home and this call has been aired nationwide in the foster parents' continued efforts to sway public opinion and paint the father in a bad light.  Interestingly enough, many believe this phone call with S was coached.  A disgusting and poorly put together plan that prompted DCS to bar further contact.

The Hodgins didn't do all of this alone, though.  They have Trio Solutions, Munday, Sykes, and numerous others at their beck and call.  Trio is most likely the ones responsible for the one sided information being given to the media outlets and their minions have flooded the message boards, feeding more and more into the misinformation being spread.  I think the Veronica case got Trio, Munday and the minions too confident.  Too cocky.  It's going to be epic when this is over.  S, her father and family can move on from this nightmare and maybe the Hodgins, Trio, Munday and the minions will all go down in flames.  Their actions have endangered the welfare and safety of a child who is still technically a ward of the state.  Sweet justice will be seeing the Hodgins, Trio and everyone else directly involved with helping them nailed with a lawsuit that bankrupts them.