"If you're gonna disintegrate mentally, get it down on tape!" - Murdoc Niccals, Pirate Radio Jan 2010

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Random Updates and a New Case

Has it really been a year since my last post?  Christ, it feels like mere months ago.  I suppose it's about right, though.  I had a few posts drafted out and as the days and weeks dragged on, I realized I needed a break from it all.  I have a job, a small family and an existence outside of this blog.  I had trouble focusing and keeping on task.  A sabbatical was necessary.  Longer than I planned, but a needed break all the same.  For those who follow, sorry there have been no real updates.  I will be getting to all of that shortly.

I would like to touch on my own adoption story.  For those who recall, I have a daughter I surrendered at birth who is now 8 yrs old.  Per the agreement, I was supposed to receive updates.  The last update I received was two and a half years ago, give or take.  While I know they're a busy family and have been more than gracious in maintaining the agreement, I can't help but feel this abrupt stop is due to them finding out about the blog.  I could be way off, honestly.  It could just as easily be that they're busy and haven't thought about it much.  But I check the special email account every few months and the mailbox remains absent of any letters and pictures from them.  So it's hard to not suspect the blog as the reasons behind their silence.  After all, most automatically label it as anti-adoption based solely on the fact that it's not all ponies and rainbows.  Of course if you take the time to read more than one or two entries, you'll realize that this blog's purpose was to raise awareness on the unethical practices and cases that pop up in the media.  I am not against adoption.  I think there could be changes, but I am not against it.  I am against those who use loopholes in the existing laws or outright violate laws in order to snatch children away from fathers and families.  

I could easily be way off the mark.  Pulling at straws, so to speak.  It honestly just could be that they're a busy family and haven't found the time.  They're a good couple and have a beautiful family.  Z was placed with the perfect family in regards to her abilities and demeanor.  Artists and writers.  The kids aren't molded into what their parents want but are allowed to flourish with their ingrained skills and personalities.  I remember when I'd first met them so long ago and how at ease I'd been with them.  Like perhaps in another life, we could have been friends.  Never know how things will turn out.  As Z gets older, she may eventually request to know me and her big sis.  It's not unheard of, mother and child reuniting before the child reaches adulthood and forming a bond.  That bond may differ from the bond they have with their adoptive parents or the bond the mother may have with her raised children, but a bond all the same.  

So enough about me.  I wanted to touch on a few things that needed to be touched upon.

Sonya is home forever.  The Hodgins have exhausted all their legal adoptions and have reached the end of the line.  Sonya can now grow up within her real family and no longer worry about her former foster parents trying to snatch her away.  The Facebook support pages - Sonya is Home (McCaul supporters) and Bring Sonya Home (Hodgin supporters) - have been taken down.  For the record, Sonya is doing outstanding and is flourishing. 

We're at the two year mark of Veronica Brown's kidnapping.  No photos have been made available, but I've heard through the grapevine that she still have access to her Daddy via Skype and still calls him Daddy and calls Robyn Mommy.  She still refuses to call them by name.  But she is still being isolated from the public and only paraded around an elite circle of Capobianco supporters and friends.  Matt and Melanie won't bring her out in public because all their lies about how she's adjusted would fall apart.  If she is refusing to follow their demands on what she calls her Daddy, chances are she is still demanding to go back home.

Trent Reicks is still fighting to get his daughter back from her kidnappers.  The gag is still in effect so I have no new information on the case.  Last I heard, Trent is still waiting on court and the governor and attorney general's office have been contacted regarding this massive corruption of the laws and courts.  His baby girl is now two years old.  His case needs to be heard and his daughter needs to be returned to him.  I don't care how long she's been with her kidnappers, you don't reward illegal behavior.  And if the Capobiancos can snatch a 4 yr old from her daddy, then the Morris-McLemores and the judge Duncan have no grounds on claiming "only home she's known".

As far as the Carri Stearns vs Adoption By Gentle Care mess, the case was heard by the higher courts and tossed back into the lower courts.  I had a full blog entry planned for this case and not what you'd think.  There are things going on with this case that have made me pull my support completely.  I will not divulge too much but will say that this case is not as cut and dried as they'd want you to believe.  Stearns caused a lot of problems amongst the supporters.  There are those who support her simply because it means taking down an agency.  Others believe she truly is a victim.  And there are those who see her for what she is and want nothing more to do with her or her cause.  When I get the chance, I will explain it all fully in a future post.  

In more current cases, there is the case of Baby Elliott.  Elliott's mother, Kimberly Rossler, started an adoption plan when she'd become pregnant.  The organization assisting in the adoption was Adoption Rocks, represented by Donna Ames.  Kimberly was matched with a prospective adopter by the name of Kate Gilliard Sharp.  At some point before Elliott's birth, Kim decided to parent her son and informed Ames of her plan to parent.  Little did Kim know, the contracts she signed before Elliott's birth were legally binding.  Three weeks after Elliott was born, Kate managed to get a judge to sign a custody order and had the police show up at Kim's residence to snatch Elliott away from her.  

The judge who signed the order has gone on to say that had he known it was for an adoption, he would never have authorized the forced removal.  Sadly, Kate is still holding Elliott hostage.  Adoption Rocks has since backed out, along with Donna Ames.  It has now become a contested adoption stand off between Kim and Kate.  The judge overseeing the case has slapped a gag order down so Kim is unable to speak about the progress of the case.  When more information is obtained, I will update the best I can on this case.  

I wish I could say this entry would pack the normal punch and ruffle some feathers.  Bear with me.  I've been gone a long while and am feeling a bit rusty.  The last six months or so have been a busy one for me.  But rest assured, this blog will stay alive to highlight the crimes of those who feel they can take whatever child they want.  Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  The public will be reminded of what you are.  If you think you can slink away into the shadows and raise the kidnapped child in obscurity, think again.  Kidnappers get no mercy. 


  1. Trent Reicks case was settled and he lost. Basically the 3 Judges agreed that he was not fit to be a parent or able to support this child. He was also over 12 month behind in his child support. You can read the entire transcript under Case Number CV-14-495 Arkansas Court of Appeals opinions

    1. How is he not fit? Because the kidnapping lawyers have more money? They TPR'd him on grounds that do not legally exist, only made up by the lawyers' buddy judge.

      Good luck trying to undermine his case, troll.

    2. I have never seen this until now by Google searching myself and thank you for mentioning Elliott ! And I currently do not have a gag anymore and the Supreme Court ruled fraud and I get a retrial !

  2. Did some back checking with Google and found out that Dorkzilla78 is Trent Reicks. He should be ashamed of himself acting as a woman to vilify many innocent people. A sick bastard given that he has been nothing but a sperm donor. He has vilified two respectable parents and a Judge who looked out for the best interest of this little girls. What goes around comes around!

    1. Your Google skills must be sorely inept if this so called research revealed that I am Trent. I find it comical that you would even make such a claim. So c'mon troll, who are you exactly? You claim you know oh so much about Mr Reicks and yet most of the claims you are posting can be easily refuted. I google Dorkzilla and I get all my blog entries and even some other sites I frequent. Actually, I'm willing to bet money that you did no such Google research because if you did, you'd know that I am indeed a woman.

      Let's have a go, trolly. Back your claims up. I'll be waiting patiently.

  3. Don't know who Tripper80 is but let me assure you Trent is NOT nor ever has been Dorkzilla. Seems the info you are posting is highly questionable, both about the identity of this blogger and Trent's status. What is your motive here as truth does not seem to be a high point for you?

  4. You don't know jack! You spew this vomit crap without any consequences. Check out CV-14-495, this case is closed and sealed. Trent Reicks aka Dorkzilla78 doesn't have the balls to tell anyone the truth. This is public records only the initials are used.

    You and Donald Trump have something in common. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. BTW, I'm on FB and live in Rogers, AR.....................

    1. Still trying to insist that I'm Trent? Holy hell, grow up. You're spouting off like some hot headed 12 yr old. If you took even a single moment to read through this blog, you'd know I wasn't Trent. Nothing but a troll head case trying to undermine and deflect from the case.

  5. OK, I have had about enough of this BS. Yes I know who you are Tripper. aka Dawn Tripp, but in reality Christine Lowe. The sister of the BM. ( In case nobody knew... This I the sister that instructed the BM how to give Ashlyn up 1 week after she learned she was pregnant) You have tried everything to discredit Trent. The strange thing is you liked him until you found out he was going after you " baby making money" You are the pathetic one ! How many babies have you sold now? You tell me you are going to pray for me let me tell u this...... I pray I am around when yours and your sister's other children find out you sold their siblings. That will truly be a day to rejoice. Now do us all a favor and go slither back under your hole.

    1. It's pretty obvious this is just some bitter troll out to do whatever she can to smear a man who simply wanted to parent his daughter. He did what was legally required of him and that alone should have stopped that illegal adoption dead in its tracks. This whole case is about corruption and connections. The couple who snatched his baby need to be blasted for the filthy swine kidnappers they are.

  6. This is a man who has been homeless sleeping in his car. He has no way of supporting a little girls. You overlook the little girl. Trent is a big boy but not father material. He has two other children and cannot support them.

    BTW, I'm not Christine Lowe but I sure am glad you gave me her name so I can friend her on FB. I published the court documents on my site and they speak for themselves. I'll be around and drop in from time to time. One more thing FB won't do anything about my posting and Trent is all mouth and nothing more. See you around!!! Ha Ha Ha!

    1. So you finally figured out I wasn't him, eh? Regardless, he took the legal steps necessary to protect his rights. The "unreasonably with holding consent" BS the judge used is not a valid or legal reason for TPR. He protected his rights and this means the kidnappers had no claim on the child. No rights. He had more rights to that little girl than the kidnappers. This will bite them both in the ass when the time comes. Just as I do for Veronica Brown, Trent's little girl will find out she was kidnapped and held captive by greedy and entitled baby snatchers who think their money and status trump true parental rights.

  7. So this will be my final post, I see no purpose in going further. In closing would you not consider the facts that parents who are drug users and raise children only to collect WIC and support have stronger rights than the child who is hopelessly left until CPS takes them away. Trent's current liv'in love had one child die, 3 removed by CPS and is raising a mentally challenged son because of her drug use. the 3 children are up for adoption because she did not complete drug rehab. Her name is Summer Henry, check her out on FB. This is the environment Trent's son faces. Thank goodness he only has partial custody, and so what would this little girl have. She will find out and likely count her blessing when she is old enough. We both have opinions but you might consider a different poster child instead of Trent Reicks for your cause. Good luck with you efforts but keep in mind that if the laws are not changed it will stay the same. You're blog means very little without legislators they are the key!

  8. Veronica is being raised by her parents, within the circle of their extended family and friends. She is still in contact with the Browns and her birth mother too. She has a life full of love from ALL sides of her large extended family. Your comments that she's being "kept from public view" as a part of her parents' conspiracy to hide her maladjustment is just plain mean-spirited. Of course people would think you're anti-adoption with comments like that.

    1. She's being held hostage by kidnappers. They're NOT her parents.

  9. Guess Trent Reicks doesn't know what birth control is. His ex gf will have his baby in July. Of course he has left her and will probably go for custody. What a deadbeat his brain is in the end of his dick. Anyway been PM'ing with SD. How many of these children will he pass his diabetes on to. Guess he doesn't care. I saw him the other day in WM and he's got another gf. That's what I know. BTW, I am FB friend with Christine Lowe. Dawn Tripp!
