Some rumors have surfaced that their community doesn't stand behind them and ridicule them behind their back because of what they've done to that precious little girl. A little girl who no longer remembered them and did not want to go with them. Only the worst demons in the world would think it is okay to steal a child from a family all because "they wanted her more".
They don't love her, no matter what they claim. She was nothing more than a prize, a trophy to win. And it is obvious she is making their lives hell based off the few photos that have surfaced. An aging Mel, a dark and unhappy Veronica. The light is gone from her eyes. She doesn't see a new mommy and daddy. She sees monsters. Strange monsters pretending to be her mommy and daddy. I wonder how it feels to them when she continues to ask to go back home to her daddy? How are those Skype calls going, Matt and Mel? Do you force her to call her Daddy by his name? Do you cut them short when she insists on calling him Daddy, his true and real title. Do you get mad at her when she refuses to call Matt "Daddy"?
I can only imagine the further damage you've caused that little girl, Matt and Mel. How fucked in the head she must be because of you. Insisting she call you Mom and Dad when that is not your title. Insisting she call her real Daddy by his name and trying like hell to make her forget her family and home. Monsters. Kidnappers. Assholes. You both are nothing but a couple of infertile, kidnapping, unloving cunts who only saw a prize to be won. Christ knows what lies you are attempting to fill her head with about her Daddy, stepmom, sister and family. Has she asked for her sister? Mommy Robin? Grandma and Grandpa? Do you tell her she doesn't have a sister anymore? Do you show her pictures of strangers and insist they're her grandparents?
What kind of attachment therapy are you considering to fuck her up even more, Matt and Mel? Have you already looked into medicating her to the kills to keep her quiet and compliant?
Your evil knows no bounds and this insistence of privacy will be ignored by those of us who fought hard to bring the truth to light about you, the PR firm Trio, Troy Dunn and the courts who sided with you. I hope everyone who sees you in public points their fingers and tells you what they think. I hope everyone who sees Veronica tells her to keep strong and never call you Mom and Dad. I honestly hope she is making your lives a living hell each and every fucking day she is in your care until you both give up and have the adoption overturned and hand her back to her Daddy, where she belongs.
Six months in your care and the damage can already be seen. Fucking disgusting, worthless and inhuman pieces of filth you both are! Do what is right and give Veronica back to her father. If you truly cared for her as much as you claimed, you wouldn't continue to keep her captive. You'd overturn the adoption and give her back. But this shows that you truly do not love her. Your insistence on keeping her and forcing her to call strangers Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is nothing to you but a trophy.
We will not shut up until Veronica is home. And just remember, when she is a teenager, she will go home. She will leave you both in her dust and return to her Daddy in Oklahoma. And the truth will be known. All the blogs that are up and running will continue to run and spread the truth. All the court documents that show what kind of monsters you are will be available for her to read. And she will go by her true name, Veronica Brown. No doubt someone has a certified original birth certificate and she will be able to reclaim her true identity and not that fraudulent piece of toilet paper you have that claims you gave birth to her.
We will never forget. And we will make sure she knows the truth, no matter how much you attempt to hide it from her.
The pictures below speak louder than anything. The picture on the left was taken while she was with her Daddy and family, when she was still a happy and vibrant little girl. How can anyone deny the happiness and light you see in that little girl's face? The photo on the right was taken approximately 4 or 5 months into her imprisonment, her kidnappers willfully blind to the despair and darkness behind those gorgeous brown eyes. The light is gone. I see nothing but a phantom of the child she once was: